
Online Education vs.Traditional Education: The Pros and Cons

Online education is become an attractive alternative to traditional methods, for several reasons. It’s cheaper, you can do it at your own pace, and programming and design courses that take place online can often provide a much more direct path to a career.

The following list surmises the pros and cons of online and traditional education systems, so you can choose the path that is right for you.

Online Education



Some Coder Camps may cost up to $10k for 9 weeks, but at the end you’ll be fully qualified and ready to work in the real world.

Prices plummet as you look into options where you work at your own pace, and there are also plenty of free tutorials and open courses around the web.

People have experienced successes with all of the above methods.

Work Around Your Life

You can work part-time, full-time, have a family, hobbies, and a social life, and still be able to successfully complete an online course.

Better Preparation for the Jobs Market

It’s a highly competitive world out there, and as online courses are shorter, they’re much more focused on the job at the end.

It’s A More Relevant Format

You are learning about the digital age and online tools and techniques, so it makes sense to do so online.

It’s A Modern Approach

Coding and programming are a changing field, so it’s important to stay up to date, and learning online is one of the best ways of doing so.


Many of the cons for online education are the same as the pros for a traditional education.

Traditional Education


The College Experience:

If you want to sleep in a dorm, join a sports team, and go to frat parties, then an online education just won’t offer you what you want.

Making Contacts

At college you’re surrounded by people who can help you out on your career path or help you find an internship.

Your Degree is Considered Legitimate

A traditional degree may not get you a job straight away, but you can be fairly certain that nobody will question your credentials.

You Have Facilities and Resources

Whether you’re sporty or want to make the most of a library or laboratory, you’ll have to go to a traditional school, as most people don’t have these facilities at home.

A Traditional Career Requires a Traditional Degree

If you want to go into academia or something that requires practical skills, then you’ll need a traditional education. You may need a bachelor’s in order to get an advanced degree for a career, such as a scientist,or teacher.



The average cost of college is $20,000 a year, and if you want to go somewhere Ivy League you can expect to pay a whole lot more.

There’s No Job Guarantee

The number of graduates who walk straight into employment is dropping drastically, and even fewer are going into jobs they actually want.

Your Training May Not Be Skills-Based

A lot of traditional college is theoretical, which means you don’t have the real life skills you need for a job.

This is especially true if you want to work in technology.

Studies are showing more and more that businesses doubt the capabilities of graduates in the workplace.

What Do You Really Want

Before you decide which kind of education is right for you, you need to really look into what you want and what you can realistically commit to in terms of time and budget. If you want a traditional college experience, then you may feel a little lonely online, but if you want to get a job quickly, you may be better off with an online course.  If you’re self-motivated, you can be on a quick path to success through online education.